IN MEMORIAM

 (09/1998 - 02/ 2007) - no pedigree


Max joined our happy family in September 1998. He was a dreamdog! He liked everything we did and was always in a good mood.



At the kennel he was the first of the puppys who came towards us and he was fond of our cuddling. This is the one ! we thougt and yes, he was the right choise. From the first moment he set eyes on Lizzy ,he fell in love with her. At evening he enjoyed laying close to her and during daytime he was always nearby Lizzy.He was everybody's friend and wouldn't hurt anyone.


Bad news at the beginnig of 2006 : the vet diagnosed cancer and after an intesive chemo-treatement he was ok for another year. But in the beginnig of 2007 the desease stroke back with double intensity and we let him go to doggy-heaven in February 2007.


                                    Sweet dreams my friend!


