week 2

Already 1 week passed since our baby's were born and they doubled their weight. They all are around 500 grammes now and they eat as wolves. Around day 12 their eyes will open and a few days later they will also start to here noises. A whole new world will be to explore!! Before they only had there nose to guide them toward mum. Indeed,pups are born blind and deaf.
Here below you can watch some photos and videos of there second week with us


video april 25 : click on the "youtu.be" link below

youtu.be : pups 2 weeks sleeping while mama is guarding them


pictures april 24


some moments of happines between Nhya and her little ones


pictures april 22


First a good cup of milk , then a good clean-up by mamy Nhya and last but not least we enjoy the warmth of the sun..


pictures april 19


First the whole "bunch" together and then some close-ups.


