the first week

The following pictures will show you the little ones during their first week. Sorry when some of the pictures are out of focus :  puppies are always on the move...
                                                    HAVE FUN !!!!

                                Some pictures of Jeannie and her babies

The first days of their live our little ones are deaf and blind. All of their action is directed by the nose. This one works fine and helps them finding mom and the delicious nippels. Aproximately every 30 minutes the action starts and it's a race to find the best nippel. After some minutes the rithm slows down and they are getting tired. Then they search for a warm sleeping place between Jeannies legs. Mama Jeannie is taking advantige of these breef moments of "free time" to do its needs into the garden and afterwoods she is racing towards her babies again. Her dinner is served at her "hotel chamber" like its done in a 5 star hotel.
After several days you will notice a change into the black spots on each pup. Some of them will remain black and others will turn into brown or rusty-red. These changes are unpredictable and are making from each Tibetan a unique dog.





Puppy-hotel in its "winter-outfit" and mom Jeannie with her babies while cleaning her hotelroom.



                                 PRESENTATION  PUPS

                                         Pup 1 : FEMALE


                                                Pup 2 : MALE


                                               Pup 3 : MALE


                                                 Pup 4 : MALE


                                                   Pup 5 : MALE


                                              Pup 6 : FEMALE


                                               Pup 7 : MALE


